Cómo eliminar las manchas de sol en el rostro

How Do I get Rid of Sunspots? Sunspots, hyperpigmentation, liver spots, solar lentigines  or whatever you want to call them are dark portions of the skin that develop after prolonged exposure to direct ultra violet or UV rays. Sunspots appear on those areas that are exposed to sun directly such as back, hands and face. You may observe discoloration of skin in case of sunspots.  People of all ages are susceptible to these spots, though those with lighter skin tend to develop them more frequently. Your body may also be producing an increased amount of melanin, which can result darker areas on your skin or from having extreme sunburn can also cause sun spots. You must try to prevent the formation of sunspots on skin by taking proper skin care. You must make it a point to apply sunscreen lotion on skin every time before going out in sun. For those that are sensitive about the appearance of sunspots can use a variety of cosmetic procedures to rid their skin of these marks. Applying fresh lemon juice directly to the skin for 10-15 minutes, a couple times a day, will help you a lot over time. The citric acid in the lemon not only helps to fade the sunspots, but also helps to exfoliate the skin and remove those damaged skin cells. As an alternative, you may use other acidic fruits like limes and grapefruit. Coconut oil and almond oil massages can also prove helpful in removing tan from skin. It takes about 6?8 weeks to fade sun spots. A topical skin lightener is a prescription strength cream applied directly to the skin which interferes with your melanin production. The cream eventually reduces hyperpigmentation, which is the darkening of the skin. Depending on the severity of sun damage, will determine which skin lightener product(s) will best suit your condition. In addition to treating current sun damage gained throughout the years, topical skin lighteners also prevent further sun damage from appearing. Although sunspots are an ugly site on the skin you should rest assured that they are not cancerous or harmful. The best way to care for sunspots is to care for your skin in the first place. Reduce long exposure to the suns ultra violet rays when possible and for those times when you can't avoid long exposure apply a good sunscreen to help fight of any sun damage.

El verano, y las muchas horas que pasamos expuestas al sol, puede traducirse en la aparición de manchas solares, en especial en la cara.

Las manchas solares pueden ser más oscuras o más claras  que tu tono de piel normal y pueden aparecer en diferentes formas y colores. Por lo general se dan en áreas de la piel que quedan expuestas al sol de manera regular, y en particular aparecen en la nariz, las mejillas, el labio superior, las orejas, la frente, el cuello, los brazos, o el dorso de las manos. Podrían verse como verrugas y causar una ligera picazón, o pueden parecer escamas o una lesión de la piel áspera, y en ocasiones pueden ser simplemente planas.

Hemos de ir con mucho cuidado con las manchas de sol, ya que no son lo mismo que tener una verruga o las pecas. Las manchas solares, y en especial en el rostro, deben tratarse para que no vayan en aumento o se oscurezcan.

¿Cómo se producen las manchas solares?

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Escrito por | 10 de agosto de 2016 | 0 comentarios
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